Graphic Design, Illustration, and Comics

Homesick | Restless


My print that was part of a print exchange is now part of the Valentine Museum and VCU Library’s Special Collections.

“Richmond is a hard place to leave. Richmond is a hard place to stay. The struggle between nostalgic longing and the lure of the road affects everyone who loves the city. It is also characteristically American – a mixture of our rootlessness and our longing for roots.

Homesick | Restless is a print exchange designed to consider and, in a small way, to counteract our conflicted relationship to this particular home. Artists in Richmond and expats were invited to contribute prints that address this theme – however loosely.

Andrew Barger
Meredith and James Hill
Brooke Inman
Bizhan Khodabandeh
Aijung Kim
Barry O’Keefe
Tom O’Keefe
Joe Riley
Angela Sprunger
Cosima Storz”