Graphic Design, Illustration, and Comics

Remote Control Logo

Logo variants for

Two logo variations for new local punk band Remote Control! Check out their bandcamp page at

Instagram at

Remote Control features current and former members of Landmines, Sea of Storms, Sixer, Fire in the Radio, The Possibilities, Nutria. Members hail from Richmond, VA and Athens, GA

Abstract comics

This past winter I illustrated abstract comics that I collected into a book available locally, but folks are more than welcome to contact me directly to purchase a copy.

Robertson School Icons

Icons and the front/back of a large banner for our program that I designed last spring. It didn’t end up getting made because we were on lock down shortly after their design. I also had laid out a cart/table. Would mock them up, but the images I could find from the catalogue were pretty small and low res.


Commissioned avatar for my Nephew’s gaming exploits as a Christmas gift from my cousin and his father. The main icon is by itself. I also came up with the idea to have multiple facial expression like emoticons. His handle is “Mr.Orangeman1” I liked his previous name “Boiledwater”, but not as easy to illustrate. Heh.