Graphic Design, Illustration, and Comics

New work: District Walls



Top image is the clients choice based on variants.

Bottom image are the final four variants based on client’s suggestions. 3 was a variant of version number 4, based on suggestions from the client, and their final choice. My personal fav is #4.



Permit Zip Logo

Just finished this logo for Archingen, an architectural engineering company that specializes in permit drawing. This is for a service they will be providing and is based on their current company logo.


Homesick | Restless


My print that was part of a print exchange is now part of the Valentine Museum and VCU Library’s Special Collections.

“Richmond is a hard place to leave. Richmond is a hard place to stay. The struggle between nostalgic longing and the lure of the road affects everyone who loves the city. It is also characteristically American – a mixture of our rootlessness and our longing for roots.

Homesick | Restless is a print exchange designed to consider and, in a small way, to counteract our conflicted relationship to this particular home. Artists in Richmond and expats were invited to contribute prints that address this theme – however loosely.

Andrew Barger
Meredith and James Hill
Brooke Inman
Bizhan Khodabandeh
Aijung Kim
Barry O’Keefe
Tom O’Keefe
Joe Riley
Angela Sprunger
Cosima Storz”

Live inking on facebook.

I will be inking a page of The Little Red Fish live on Facebook through my Mended Arrow Design page so that folks can ask questions and watch part of my process. While inking the page, I will narrate what I’m doing as well as discuss tips on how I use my tools, setup my pages and pace a story.


Precognitive Universe of Emergent Desire Event

My ray gun stencil is part of this project started by Noah Scalin. More info about the event below.

FREE & Open to All Ages
Celebrate the forthcoming book of short stories from League of Space Pirates!

League of Space Pirates presents Precognitive Universe of Emergent Desire at Hardywood Park Craft Brewery, Friday, October 21. To celebrate the forthcoming publication of Precognitive Universe of Emergent Desire from Richmond’s own Übercorp Publishing, authors will be reading excerpts of their stories alongside musical performances by Manzara, Get In The Car & League of Space Pirates.

Attendees will also get a first look at the book, which is set in the League of Space Pirates universe and inspired by pulp novels published in the early 1960s, and have a chance to pre-order it directly from Chop Suey Books.

Featured authors include Andrew Blossom (I’ve Got a Message for You and You’re Not Going to Like It), Beth Brown (Underground, Richmond Macabre), Dale Brumfield (Richmond Independent Press), Meriah L. Crawford, Dean Knight, Alane Miles, Rebecca Snow, and co-editors of the book Phil Ford & Justin Poroszok.

League of Space Pirates is a unique collaborative science fiction universe created by local artist Noah Scalin, creator of Skull-A-Day and current artist-in-residence at VCU’s School of Business.

League of Space Pirates presents
Precognitive Universe of Emergent DesireFriday,
October 21. 6-10 pm
@Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
2408-2410 Ownby Lane RVA

