The Little Red Fish is be a political allegory in serial comic form and in the style of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The story is inspired by the Iranian revolution of 1979—starting with the coupe of Prime Minister Mossaddegh up to the rise of Khomeini. Khodabandeh & Moffitt both have a background in political activism and have been researching the revolution using historic texts. Khodabandeh has also interviewed leftists directly involved in the revolution. The comic will be made available through digital installments (Summer 2014) and eventually in print by Moffitt who will be publishing the book through his company, Sink/Swim Press. The book is intended to complement Khodabandeh’s adaptation of The Little Black Fish which will soon be available in print here.
You can acquire a copy of The Little Red Fish through Sink/Swim Press here (available in both print and digital formats.)